875 - August 1965 to February 1970

875 - August 1965 to February 1970

875 - August 1965 to February 1970
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.

Bond Owners' Club
The club catering for all enthusiasts of Bond vehicles
Club Services
Membership provides:
A monthly magazine, "BOND INFO".
Advice on technical problems, maintenance and modifications.
Information on spare parts availability for Minicars.
(Our Spares Department carries a range of new and remanufactured items for Minicars, plus a large selection of second-hand parts for Minicars and Villiers engines. As an example, the list of available cables is shown at the foot of this page - obviously, other parts are available, too!)
Details of Club rallies and other related events you may wish to attend.
Bonds and parts for sale and wanted (advertised in the magazine).
Club Publications (Minicar tips, re-prints of handbooks, parts books, etc.)
Club regalia (badges, T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps, etc.)
Access to the Club's Facebook group. (This group is private, and only club members may read or write postings there.)
If you have questions, do please email us at bondownersclub@sky.com
To join the Bond Owners' Club, see details here.