875 - August 1965 to February 1970

875 - August 1965 to February 1970

875 - August 1965 to February 1970
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.
All Velosolex Club U.K. publications are in English. They have been checked and occasionally corrected, updated or reformatted if required, to enable today’s Velosolex owner to get the best from their machine.
Clicking on the chosen handbook will open it as a PDF which can then be downloaded.

Bond Owners' Club
The club catering for all enthusiasts of Bond vehicles
Bond Cars

Sharp's Commercials, Bond Cars (and finally Reliant Motor Co.) produced a wide and diverse variety of cars and scooters between 1949 and 1974. At certain times during these years, other products such as the commercial vehicles, boats, power skis, trailer tents and even a roof-mounted suitcase were investigated and produced with varying degrees of success.
The following descriptions are not intended to be a complete history but are provided to assist the owner or onlooker with a brief outline of the differences between each individual model or product. All the pictures used have been selected from sales brochures and publicity photographs from the era and can be enlarged with a mouse click for a better view.
The production total for each vehicle or product has been carefully researched using the original Production Records now in the possession of the Bond Owners' Club. After years of debate within the Bonding community and wildly inaccurate figures being quoted in various motoring publications, these figures are presented once and for all as the definitive total.
Further detailed information on all Bond products can be obtained from the Bond Owners' Club.
Click on an image below to see a larger version.
Click on the link beneath it, to go to the relevant page: